My Last Vortex Date








Well, Vortex was….his usual big black lab self. Not 100% perfect, but all around great.

My car has missed this puppy (don't worry, I wasn't driving when I took the picture :D)

My car has missed this puppy (don't worry, I wasn't driving when I took the picture :D)

We stopped by my house for a few minutes so everyone at home could say goodbye to Tex. They love him, too, but won’t be able to make it to the puppy truck, sadly.

He settled right in with his favorite toy

He settled right in with his favorite toy


Yes, he even ignores the clothes/shoes ALL over my floor

Yes, he even ignores the clothes/shoes ALL over my floor

"REALLY?? Do you have to take pictures ALL the time??"

"REALLY?? Do you have to take pictures ALL the time??"After a few minutes, we went down to a trail by the lake and went on a nice run/walk. I generally don't take a camera on runs, so sorry no pictures 🙂 Vortex was amazing and I think he had a lot of fun...we did some pace work (with fast and slow paces) and he was amazing. Times like that, I think this dog is SO ready to go. After our run, we went home to change and head out for the rest of the afternoon. First, on our last "date" I took Tex to the pet store to get the new puppy supplies. I thought that was a little bit appropriate, and special. Vortex was surprisingly good at the store. Except for when a huge poodle came out of nowhere and lunged, jumped, etc at poor Tex. He got very excited, but calmed down eventually.We picked out a great toy, grabbed some Nature's Miracle (joy) and of course got Vortex's recall present. "Can I have it now? Please?"

EDIT: The pet store pictures disappeared…

Then we went right around the corner to the mall. Even though he’s being recalled, I still wanted to work with him on his people issue and ther are these little fountains that are level with the sidewalk, so we wanted to go see those and walk inbetween them. His old people distraction flared up, and the fountains threw him the first time through, so we walked through a few times. We had a great little talk with a lady who was watching us work, and she fell in love with Tex, too. It’s an easy thing to do. 😀

Then we ran around looking for great picture places, and found some great ones! Unfortunately Vortex isn’t in to taking pictures. So we only got a few that weren’t blurry or dumb.
At City Hall, we got to meet some fire trucks and aid cars, which was great but they weren’t on. So it wasn’t scary. And Tex wasn’t phased.
We had to get some groceries for my mom, and Tex was the perfect little shopper. We had yet another conversation with a nice older guy, and a few little conversations with people in the store. When they hear he’s leaving in 6 days the whole “awwwwww!! How can you do it!!?!?!?” happens and then want to start crying!
After all the shopping we ran home one more time, gave Tex his dinner and said one last goodbye. Then after a few more errands, I took Vortex home. Man I am going to miss that guy. But I’m excited to meet Little Miss “J”!

4 Responses

  1. It looks like he a great time on his last “date” because he is smiling in almost all the pictures! 🙂

  2. It’s comforting to hear that he still has some issues to work out. Gives me hope for Cabana!!

  3. Sounds like a fun last day. 😀 Good luck to him, he will make someone very happy and I can’t wait to hear about Miss. J.

  4. Good luck Vortex! We’ll miss you but look forward to getting to know Miss J!!! You’re last “Date” looks perfect!

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