It’s “that day”

Let me start off by saying it’s been a while since we’ve sent a dog that I really cared about back on recall. I mean, I love all our club’s puppies lots, but when they got ready to board recall dogs…… was the hardest thing. A BIG HUGE congratulations to the raisers of Fellow, Plumas, Lincoln, and last (but definitely not least) Vortex. I had a tribute written to the big guy, but somehow the screen disappeared, and I don’t have the heart to write another one right now. I need to stop crying first.

EDIT: I found it….

Just a little tribute to Vortex. I’ll cry now, and hopefully it won’t keep coming every day this week. Vortex, you were one of my favorite dogs ever. I love your personality–the happy tail that never stopped and yes, I loved the little half-jump that you did when I walked in the door. (but that’s not guide dog approved, so I didn’t say that) I never thought I could love a dog that I didn’t raise. But you walked (or trotted) with me through so much. You were there when I started my senior year, and headed off to college. College was a scary place, but Big T, you made so many friends and so quickly. Remember when everyone on campus thought George was you, because of all the people you met? You made sad people smile, and never gave up on anyone. No one was too good for a lick, and no one was too mean for a tail wag. You never ceased to amaze me. Tex, you’ve got a great brain in that head of yours. Sometimes it shuts down, but when it’s running in full gear you can run through the most challenging obstacles a dog could face, and awe everyone. I know you’ve got it in you to be a guide. Maybe it’s not meant to be, but I am confident that you will be so happy wherever you go. Remember when we’d drive down the road, and you’d have your head out the window of my car? I was the proudest and happiest girl alive. Now you’re leaving me behind and running off to college by yourself. I know you’ll have a great time. Party hard, but study hard. Impress those trainers, and make me proud. Remember the time we went into the gym and just watched all the students play tennis? Ignore balls like you did then. Remember when we would walk through the halls at school and you stayed so focused? Ignore people like you did there. Remember when we ran trails and you ignored the other dogs? Ignore the dogs like you did then. I know that as I continue in life there will be things that will always remind me of you. You’ve left an indelible legacy behind you. I love you big guy, and can’t wait to watch you graduate. …just, make it soon will ya? Loves~Anna

The first puppy our club recieved is MYL Sutter. Cutest thing! He is being raised by Fellow’s family, and so far has a very easy going personality.

Second off was little miss “J”. Her siblings are named Jessa and Joyful (isn’t that cute!) And just FYI, she doesn’t come over here until Sunday (which works out SO well because not only will she be there for her raisers who have just sent back an amazing dog, but I don’t have to worry about her for graduation!)

Third we got MYL Moses. He is a character! Cute as can be, and I know his starter raisers will have a BLAST with him!

Fourth was Mr. MBL Dougal. I think it’s a cute name! He is with a first-time raiser family.

So the list of puppies (that I have) that came off the truck are:

FYL Rochelle

M (?) Marino

MBL Momo

MYL Moses

FBL Jessa

FBL J____

FYL Joyful

MBL Solar

MYL Sutter

MBL Dougal

MBL Diego

(there was another MBL “D” but I missed his name–Shelly probably has it)

MYL Nash

The huge bummer of the day was that my camera memory card is not in my camera. Sooo I had to take pictures on my phone. HUGE sadness. It was an overall great day, despite the fact that my Tex Tex is gone. I told him I’ll see him at graduation. Hopefully that’ll be true.

Oh!! I found out Pomona has been placed, and she’s living 25 minutes away!! I’m SUPER excited….I might get to see her again!

Well since that’s all that’s important, I hope you all have a fantastic day!









Oh wait, you probably want to hear her name. Well. Here it is…


























Introducing Janda!
Introducing Janda!

I’ll get more pictures of her asap and post them….probably Sunday or Monday!